

NC State's Cyber Bowl logo shows a shield and football

Cybersecurity Awareness Month 2024 –
Cyber Bowl

shield divided into multiple sections representing different cybersecurity concepts: passwords, updates, locking phones, and protecting from viruses

Data Security Training: Protect the Pack
and Its Data!

hands holding playing cards

Play the Cybergame →

What‘s Your Cyberscore?



Cybersecurity Awareness Month (CSAM)
In celebration of National Cybersecurity Awareness Month (CSAM), OIT hosts several events to educate campus users on cybersecurity risks at work and home.

Data Privacy Week (DPW)
NC State celebrates Data Privacy Week (Jan. 22-28) with multiple informative events to empower you with tools and knowledge necessary to protect your privacy and control your digital footprint. Sponsored by the National Cybersecurity Alliance, Data Privacy Week also stresses the protection of privacy and data as everyone’s priority.

Security Workshops
Search security workshops hosted by NC State.

SANS Cyber Camp for Teens
The camp brings together a group of cyber security experts discussing the latest topics and trends in IT Security, including how to better protect yourself and those around you, in an appealing and approachable way to engage teenagers.


Phishing at NC State
Learn how to recognize a phishing email, read tips to avoid phishing attacks, and take action to protect yourself and the pack.

Safe Computing at NC State
Read and understand your responsibilities for using technology appropriately at NC State, including how to follow laws, policies, and regulations; protect your computer; protect your unity credentials; back up your data; and protect both personal and university data.

Data Sensitivity Framework
If you work with sensitive university data, this page is a must-see to assess the sensitivity level of the data you access and find out how to secure it.

This is a QuickStart guide, which provides an overview of OIT services that help employees understand business practices and processes. These services are targeted specifically for individuals new to administrative, business, and financial support roles on campus; however, any interested faculty or staff member can access this guide.

Security Liaisons
NC State’s Security Liaison Program is a network of designated college or department representatives who collaborate with OIT Security & Compliance to fend off cyber threats. The program’s mission is to keep the university’s digital assets secure by continuously identifying and addressing weaknesses in its cyber defenses.

SAR Training Modules
System Access Request (SAR) is a web application that automates the approval process for granting and revoking employee access to HR data, Student Information System (SIS) data, Financial data, and Document Management data — as well as other data systems at NC State.

Security & Compliance (S&C) Website
Learn about your Cybersecurity Team and what we do.

Cybersecurity Awareness and Training

Remote Work Resources and Guidelines

Center for Cyber Safety and Education